Saturday 3 February 2007

Our Generation are Tribeless

Mention Maina Kiai, John Githogo, Mwalimu Mati and what strikes your conscience is integrity and steadfastness. But what do Kenyans have for these gallant sons of ours? Well, as Githongo would say, most fools would think he is a sell out betraying his own tribesmen. But to these three people their tribal identity ends at their names period.

Unlike most educated Kenyans who will chase leather even at the expense of kissing hell they don't give a hoot. Time has come for Kenyans to get the leaders we deserve. We cannot afford to be slaves to our present crop of selfish and corrupt politicians who we vote year in year out because they will shamelessly grease our palms with ill gotten wealth.

Time is now and we have the ultimate weapon, vote. We must urge and push the true sons and daughters of Kenya to come out, role their sleeves and dirty their hand in politics because as Kwame Nkurumah said eons ago 'seek ye political kingdom and the rest shall follow'. To argue otherwise is the height of political and practical naivety. In Africa politics greases every cog in our lives and we must put a stop to the dinosaurs we have for leaders.

We can't afford to waste this election year lest we end up entertaining the resultant stinking stench for the next five years. I urge every Kenyan proud of his or her motherland, which I don't doubt you all are, to rise about our cheap ethnic roots and make out country and a shining example in the continent and the while wide world. Please, fellow Kenyans rise up and put your country on the global map for all the right reasons. I promise to do my part please join me, won't you?


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