Tuesday 13 February 2007

All Heat No Light

It is the season again of grand promises and talk that are never meant to be respected. Kenyans should brace themselves for more free-flowing advice and messages of intent from aspiring politicians. The truth is that it's another cog in the vicious circle wheel of deceit that we will never come out of.

Kenyans politicians have perfected the art of shameless cheating. Add to this mix our uncritical approach to electing leaders provided they speak out mother tongue and all you get is an exotic recipe for disastrous leadership. We need not blame our politicians for any wrong since without our votes they won't be there. If anything we get the leaders we deserve.

Our greed and thirst to succeed wealthwise at any cost has inadvertently blinded us to observing any tenet of morality. With the hefty salaries for MPs, our parliament has become the most sort after address for job seekers who mostly happen to be retirees or crooks or both. They are ready to invest their ill-gotten wealth to grease our hand with their eyes singularly trained on the handsome tax-free packages.

Look around you and all you see is plenty of motions without movement. Roads are being demolished to give an impression of pending works. Your guess is as good as mine, all these are aimed at hoodwinking us into believing that something is being done. However, once we do that the politicians will be all smiles to bunge laughing at our folly.

My take is to trust nobody pretending to be having the answers to all our problems without telling us what he has done in his or her small way to make our country different. Our generation stand the risk of stagnating eternal and being held hostage by the dinosaurs who have rapped our motherland. As we worship money, the fallacy of wealth at whatever cost will definitely come to haunt us forever. We must rise above pettiness and resist being misused. Let us not be deluded any more that we are the leaders of tomorrow. The future is here and now and we must seize it to shame the scoundrels masquerading as our saviours.

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