Monday 2 March 2009

One-night stand: woman's power

We human beings always fall for the thrilling emotional escapades despite the glaring dangers. One night stand is still alive today as it was ages gone by when the biggest threat to your nether gems was gonorrhea. Well, if you thought the ACHA INIUE DOGODODO SITAACHA (AIDS) was just a juvenile permutation think again.

One night stands is often attributed to many factors. First came the so-called sex revolution which was credited for giving single women the same freedom as men. But single here is a misnomer since girls and boys who can hardly spell their names backwards are often the maestros of this vile vice. So what is the true drive behind the nocturnal sexual escapades that only last singe nights?

Practitioners and victims (if there were any) of the misplaced bliss will readily confess to you about their regret of feeling USED the morning after a one-night stand. Add to that the psychological damage done to both EGO and REPUTATION and contrast it with men’s penchant to brag to friends about their sexual exploits.

But before you dismiss SHORT-FUSED romance, you better know that some of its practitioners draw plenty of pleasure sampling and seizing varieties, the damaging risks notwithstanding. Some even claim that one-night stands are the foundation on which long-term relationships and even marriage is built.

Thrills and perils
Surely love life is a mine field littered with emotional tornadoes waiting to hit every love bird out there. But the truth said one night stands only leaves its victims awash with shame the next morning. Some cannot even stand the sight of sitting next to whoever was right inside/on them just few hours ago.

Sex is one aspect of human life that is full of contradictions. While men will message their egos with the simplistic regret of having gone with a less attractive or undesirable woman, research point to most women dislike for casual relationships and instead prefer quality for quantity. But again the world is a river full of frogs and dish, and while the latter may be delicious to many, the amphibians are a revered dish in other parts of the word.

Men will go to great lengths to perpetuate patriarchal dominance. But the true fear lies in women having the same opportunity. No wonder a man fears bleeding to death from a paper cut oblivious of the fact that a woman loses blood every month during her productive years without any trace of fear of death. What is more, when experiencing her menses, there is a new life inside her. Speak of the immortal fear of the unknown addressed in subjugation.

1 comment:

Shiko-Msa said...

Do one night stands only occur at night?

Taabu on Taboo