Thursday 3 April 2008

The Beauty of Being a Eunuch

In the heat of our never-ending circus that is Kenyan politics one often needs a break to indulge in matters personal and sublime whatever you fancy. Pressed, many can confess to hearing about the biblical EUNUCH from their Sunday school. But I can bet my lunch that this is one word many adults would never mouth even in secrecy. Why?

Being overtly athletic around the waist is one attribute that is both revered and despised in equal measure. The emotional pleasures that culminate into ecstasy are few and far between. People have killed when denied the chance to sample such pleasures or to eliminate the stumbling block separating them from the goodies. Consequently one may wonder why not cut the flack and as a minimal measure choose to be a eunuch to dispense with the entire libido business?

Emotional energy reservoirs
Well, you better not make such sadistic suggestions in the company of ordinary men lest you have you face brutally rearranged. But eunuchs have the peace of mind of engaging only in harmless fantasies. As a consequence they save themselves all the emotional stress of chasing and wanting to conquer. Such energy reservoir can be productively channelled into other ventured.

Not everybody is interested in having blood descendants. The world is teaming with more than 6.3 billion pairs of upper lips to feed. The emotionally strong can do they bit in populating the planet as eunuchs engage in more useful chores. When Bob Marley sand his hit song no more woman no cry he must have had this at the back of his mind. So if you want no unnecessary tears rolling down your cheeks you better contemplate being a eunuch.

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